Ben Rebbeck

Executive Director

Ben Rebbeck has over twenty five years advisory experience in the global financial markets including over fifteen years as an investor relations consultant. He is an owner and founding director of FIRST Advisers. Prior to entering the Investor Relations industry, Ben was an investment banker in Citigroup’s Global Industrial Investment Banking operation and the Corporate Finance adviser for Arthur Andersen.

Ben is keenly interested in leveraging the impact of high quality investor relations to optimise company’s access to capital and expand a financial returns. He advised on the successful implementation of various investor relations initiatives aimed at optimising the composition of the share registers and market rating.

As a senior Investor Relations practitioner, Ben has advised on numerous transactions totalling over $20 billion including takeovers, IPOs, proxy battles and capital raisings. Ben’s transaction experience includes providing investor targeting and communications advice to acquirers and targets in hostile and agreed transactions; multiple debt, equity and hybrid capital raisings; and to listed companies and activist shareholders in proxy battles.

Ben is a Chartered Accountant, a Fellow of an FINSIA and holds a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Adelaide.


Ben is a keen follower of Australian Rules football, who’s sporting prowess is inversely related to his interest in the game. Sporting achievements during his school years, include receiving his school’s silver medal for football due to turning up to more practices than games played and, in cricket, batting number 11 despite being neither a bowler nor wicket keeper.